Shay M. Emerson, Esq.


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Shay M. Emerson was born in South Carolina and graduated summa cum laude in History from Columbia College and Yale Law School. After graduation from law school, he taught Transactional Law, Property Law, and Business Law at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy for five years. He joined the firm of his father Peter Emerson in 1972, became a partner, and after Peter Emerson's death in 1982, became the principal attorney in the firm.

In his long career, spent entirely in the real estate field, he has had first-hand experience with every type issue, including misrepresentation, non-disclosure, discrimination, false & misleading advertisements, and environmental issues and hazards. At present he focuses on the importance of real estate education to keep up with the ever-changing field.

Mr. Emerson is a member of the New York State Bar Association and is authorized to practice immigration law in all areas of the United States. He is fluent in Spanish, Japanese, and French, and speaks and reads some Armenian and Amharic. He has written and lectured on real estate law and history.